My story

I was born with memories that precede this incarnation and an extrasensory sensitivity that allows me, since childhood, to communicate naturally with the subtle planes.
During a trip to northern India in 2001, while looking for a way to learn to heal with my hands, I was initiated to Reiki, and then I discovered yoga and Vedic philosophy. During this trip, I experienced an expansion of consciousness which, I would discover years later, is commonly called Samadhi. This experience marked a step that allowed me to embody more of who I am, while making it sometimes difficult to anchor myself to this earthly plane. A few years later, I reconnected with the wisdom of ancient China, and began studying and practicing traditional Chinese acupuncture, then bodywork, and a few years later I began to walk in consciousness on the path of shamanism.

I moved to Los Angeles, where I stayed for almost 10 years. There, during a Kundalini yoga practice, I discovered the crystal bowls, then the Alchemy crystal bowls. These vibrations had an overwhelming effect on me as they were activating old memories and giving me the desire to share these sounds with my community. My intuitive approach was complemented by a training in sound healing and extensive reading and research on the world of sound and frequencies in general.

Back in Switzerland, I share Sound Baths in groups in different cities of French-speaking Switzerland and in Paris. Then in 2019, I start a quest for a new technology that could be able to assist human beings in the changes I perceive in our collective future. It is only 3 years later that I discover the existence of the Harmonic Egg. My dream became reality when Liquid Light Space opened its doors at the end of 2022 and I received the Harmoinc Egg a few weeks later.

I am a consciousness explorer, an alchemist of energy and I vibrate to constantly learn and discover the new possibilities of the human being. To date, I offer group and individual sound healing sessions, and use the Alchemy Crystal Bowls, Arcturian healing energies, quantum techniques and the Harmonic Egg to assist my clients in reconnecting to their multidimensional experience and embodying their true essence. I am also a distributor of the Alchemy Crystal Bowls by the brand Crystal Tones and offer classes and training in sound therapy.

My deep respect and infinite gratitude to my guides & teachers:  Jean Motte, Gene Ang, Selene & Cyrille Odon, Jean Lechim, Sabo, David Gibson, Amma, Susan Sterling, Randy Masters, Robert Gilbert, Guru Singh, Sandra Ingerman, and all those I cannot name here. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this,
